Don’t forget that you can also follow my studio projects, process & inspirations
on Facebook. Just click on the link below to get to my pottery page… and then
click the “LIKE’ button to get updates.
Just a quick reminder, if your a Facebook Fan of any small business Page (like mine),
your probably NOT getting all of the updates you want to be getting.
If you’ve LIKED a page, you used to get all of the posts automatically… but now that
Facebook has “gone public” now they expect small businesses to actually pay money
to “”Promote” their posts to get them to their Fans! And most people don’t realize.
They may have noticed fewer posts in their News Feed & wondered why. Now we know.
Case in point, for the past five posts I’ve put on my business page,
I’ve only “reached” 5%, 6%, 6%, 16% and 19% of my Fans!
What’s up with that?! That’s not enough for my liking!
If you want to keep getting updates from your favorite Pages, follow these steps…
1. Go to the Page you want to see.
2. Click on the “LIKED” button and watch for the pull-down menu.
3. Click on “Show In News Feed.”
And hope for the best…
Then call Facebook and tell them you don’t like their new methods!!! We want our Fans
to get our Posts, and I shouldn’t have to pay hundreds of dollars to do it!!!
You’re probably not seeing all (or perhaps any) posts from your favorite Pages (like mine)
in your News Feed because Facebook is now pushing us (page administrators) to pay to
“Promote†their posts to the Fans. Before they “went public” I could make a Facebook post
and it would automatically show up in the News Feeds of all my Fans… who have signed
up and CHOSEN to get my updates! Now, the new greedy Facebook is expecting small
businesses (like mine) to pay big money to “promote” their pages. In the last few weeks,
I can now see how many people have received my posts…
and we’re averaging less than 25%!!!
Click the link below to see what you can do, please share this info with all your friends,
and add Fire When Ready Pottery to your “New List†and click “Show in News Feedâ€
while you’re there too. Thanks for following me… and…
Click here for a link to a “shortcut” that might help resolve this issue!
In case you can’t find where to go on your Facebook page, here’s a clue…
Don’t forget that you can always follow along on Facebook!
Just click on the link to get to my pottery page… and then click LIKE.
You’ll get posts from my studio, updates, photos, process shots and an occasional
biking sunrise photo along the way. Never junk mail. Never stupid jokes.
It’s immediate pottery fun on your Facebook News Feed. But remember that
my blog always has more information, more stories, more photos, more fun!
So don’t stop coming to my blog… but LIKE me on Facebook too!
Today turned out to be a big day on my Facebook.
My little pottery page just received its 500th Fan!!!
So pass it on and tell your friends. Let’s get everyone on board.
Let’s shoot for another big milestone. Another hundred? Or two hundred?
Or dare I even dream to shoot for a thousand fan followers?!
Click here to go to Fire When Ready Pottery on Facebook…. then click LIKE.
I just found out that I made the “Top Ten Clay Blogs” as listed by Pottery Making Info.
Apparently, they list their Top Ten every year… and I came in at Number Four!!!
From the look of it, I’m surrounded by a lot of other great potters – all willing to share
their views, ideas & tips! Click here for the list – Top Ten Clay Blogs of 2011.
Who knew that my little blog might be noticed by someone important…
let alone read by anyone at all?!
It was a very fun weekend at the art fair.
Not only did I have the best art fair assistants ever (again)… thank you Mom & Dad…
and nice art fair neighbors California paper artist Donna & Colorado painter Tim…
but there were a lot of people show stopped by to say ‘hello’ and to let me know
that they follow me on Facebook and read my blog on a regular basis. Imaging that.
Just when you start to wonder if anyone out there is reading this dribble that I keep
putting out there… someone comes around and says thank you! And makes me feel
like I might be sharing something worthwhile. And maybe I should keep it up?!
I think it might the addition of my Facebook page into the mix.
Never before have we had so many people stop by and mention that they follow me
and my ongoing anecdotes & photos. Whether other potters like Jean Burnett &
Nancy Gardner who were also exhibiting at the fair… or random customers who said
they follow me. I even had one Facebook “follower” Bev who lives in Kentucky
and came all the way to Hinsdale. When I asked her ‘why?’… she said because she
couldn’t make it to Schaumburg for my previous art fair!
So thank you again to everyone who stopped by to say hello!
It was very heart-warming to find out that so many people are indeed reading my blog!
And following me on Facebook.
So if you’re one of them… and I assume you must be if you are reading this right now…
and very special thank you to YOU. If you’re on Facebook, be sure to find me at and click the “Like” button.
And then tell your friends too!
If you’re looking for quicker posts from Fire When Ready Pottery
directly to you Facebook live feed… just go to Facebook and find me there.
Just click here… Fire When Ready Pottery on Facebook!
Click on “LIKE” at the top and become a Fan. You’ll get instant updates from
the studio, about my process, my production, inspirations and other fun parts
of my life as an artist… and occasionally a beautiful sunrise from my bike!