Well, I just found out tonight that I was chosen by the webmasters
at “Pottery Making Info” as one of the Top Ten Clay Bloggers of 2012.
I was chosen as #5… not that I’m counting!… Yeah me!!!
Okay… since I am apparently counting… this is my third year in a row in the Top Ten!!!
If you aren’t familiar, Pottery Making Info posts a great collection every month of
what’s happening on the many of the pottery blogs out there. Apparently they like
my pots, my stories, ,my stamps, my textures AND my sunrises!!! See, it’s all about me!!!
It is pretty exciting. And an odd sort of validation that what started as my own “little blog”
has turned into something bigger… and that it may actually be doing something, helping
someone, educating someone, or even amusing someone other than myself?! I remember
when I started it, my potter & friend Emily Murphy was the one encouraging me to do it.
I was hesitant. Fearing that I would have nothing to share and no one would care anyway.
Well, look at me now. I can’t stop posting… and apparently, someone does care.
To see the rest of the Top Ten list, click here… Top Ten Clay Bloggers of 2012.
So thank you “Pottery Making Info” for choosing my little blog again this year.
And thanks to the rest of you for taking time to read my posts… or at least look at the pictures!
Remember, if you want a more instant experience, just follow my pottery page on Facebook.
Click here for Fire When Ready Pottery on Facebook… and then hit the LIKE button!