Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: blogs, mugs, pottery, stamps, textures, tiles

Okay, so now I have “official” Fire When Ready Pottery Pinterest boards you can follow.

Yes, I’ve been snowed in and uploading all day.
Five different Pinterest boards full of my pottery images for you to pin & share!
Just do a quick Pinterest Search for the following…

Fire When Ready Pottery

Fire When Ready: Stamping

Fire When Ready: Mugs

Fire When Ready: Tiles

Fire When Ready: Textures

And more to come… although I’m still not sure what I’m doing?!

Categories: blogs, pottery

So I did a little digging around on Pinterest…
trying to figure out how it works, and how I can get started.
I did a quick search and was surprised by the results!!!

If you do a Pinterest search for “Gary Jackson” or “Fire When Ready Pottery”
you’ll find that I’m pretty well represented already! I was surprised how many
of my images came up under each of the categories. So I still don’t quite know
“how to do Pinterest”… but I sure am glad that someone else does!!!

Click here for Pinterest “Gary Jackson.”
Click here for Pinterest “Fire When Ready Pottery.”

Categories: blogs

Just one more “Fan” and we hit FOURTEEN HUNDRED!!!
Woo-Whoo will it be???

Click here for Fire When Ready Pottery on Facebook… and then hit LIKE.

Categories: blogs

Who knew we could make it to 1,300 Fans so quickly?!
Well not me. When I checked my Facebook page this morning we had already surpassed my goal of thirteen hundred Fans. Which means we made it in a couple hours!!! WOW!!!

Thanks to everyone for spreading the word. Well done team!

Categories: blogs, friends

We’re so close…   We only need ten more Fans to make 1,300!!!
Any chance we can make it happen by the 13th?! Wouldn’t that be groovy?!
Thirteen hundred by the Thirteenth!!

Click here to go straight to my Fire When Ready Pottery Facebook Page.
And then be sure to hit “LIKE”…
and then SHARE with your other Facebook Friends! Spread the word!!!

Categories: art fair, blogs

During the Evanston Lakeshore Arts Festival, I met Wendi Kromash. She introduced herself and we quickly found out that she’s brother & aunt to two of our favorite pottery students at Lillstreet… Ken & Ben Kromash. We talked for a bit and she mentioned that she writes a blog about her hometown Evanston. She said that she would do a blog posting about me, my pottery & the art fair… and she did. It was great to meet another of the Kromash Clan… and thankful for the great reviews!!!

To go to her blog posting, click here for Everything Evanston.

Categories: blogs

Don’t forget that you can always follow Fire When Ready Pottery on Facebook.
Get quick updates, photos & blog links direct to your Facebook News Feed.
See what’s going on in the studio, what my class has been doing, visual influences, links to other artists… and more than a few of my sunrise bike ride photos!!!

Click here to go to Fire When Ready Pottery on Facebook…
and then click the LIKE button!

Categories: blogs

Today I passed a thousand “Likes” on my Fire When Ready Pottery Facebook page.
I was a little slow getting onto the Facebook band-wagon. And I must admit that I’m still not
a huge fan of it. But I do see the positive side of it for business purposes. I’d much rather
share my stories, my photos, my ramblings & my sunrises here on my blog. I think it’s a
much better place to tell a story and keep them as archived journal entries. Whereas
Facebook is more instant. So I also see the benefit to that. Not everyone has the time or
initiative to type in a website and read lengthy stories. Facebook is quicker, faster, and instant.
My stories & photos just “show up” automatically now in over a thousand people’s
Facebook News Feeds. And that’s kinda cool.

So here’s to my apparently eternal struggle…

Do I need to keep up with BOTH my blog and Facebook page?!
I think the answer is yes.

As I think they both appeal to a different demographic.
Either way, I’m just glad that someone out there is interested in my ramblings…
or at least putting up with them if only just to be nice?!

Categories: blogs

Well, I just found out tonight that I was chosen by the webmasters
at “Pottery Making Info” as one of the Top Ten Clay Bloggers of 2012.
I was chosen as #5… not that I’m counting!… Yeah me!!!

Okay… since I am apparently counting… this is my third year in a row in the Top Ten!!!

If you aren’t familiar, Pottery Making Info posts a great collection every month of
what’s happening on the many of the pottery blogs out there. Apparently they like
my pots, my stories, ,my stamps, my textures AND my sunrises!!! See, it’s all about me!!!

It is pretty exciting. And an odd sort of validation that what started as my own “little blog”
has turned into something bigger… and that it may actually be doing something, helping
someone, educating someone, or even amusing someone other than myself?! I remember
when I started it, my potter & friend Emily Murphy was the one encouraging me to do it.
I was hesitant. Fearing that I would have nothing to share and no one would care anyway.
Well, look at me now. I can’t stop posting… and apparently, someone does care.

To see the rest of the Top Ten list, click here… Top Ten Clay Bloggers of 2012.

So thank you “Pottery Making Info” for choosing my little blog again this year.
And thanks to the rest of you for taking time to read my posts… or at least look at the pictures!

Remember, if you want a more instant experience, just follow my pottery page on Facebook.
Click here for Fire When Ready Pottery on Facebookand then hit the LIKE button!

Categories: blogs

Okay, so I’m still finding FACEBOOK quite frustrating.
They’re still “limiting” the number of people that posts by small businesses
are sent out to. I know I have hundreds of followers, and yet for the posts
I sent out last night less than 50 people received them?! So if you aren’t
getting posts from your favorite businesses that you follow on Facebook,
go to their page to see what you’re missing. Word on the street says that if
you “like” or “comment” posts on business page more frequently, you’ll get
more of them on a regular basis. They want us to actually pay real money
to “promote” our posts and get them to ALL our followers!

So when you get a chance, tell Facebook to change their ways!!!

So don’t forget you can still follow me on Facebook…
but you might not get all of the posts even if you want them. But give it a try!
Click here for Fire When Ready Pottery on Facebook.