Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: artists, classes, lillstreet, mugs

As part of the final class of my Intermediate Wheelthrowing class at Lillstreet, I had challenged them to bring two matching mugs for a fun “trading-exchanging-stealing” game! I made my mugs for the game… although I couldn’t make it to the final class as I was at ART IN THE GARDEN.

My substitute teacher Chelsea covered the class, and they all decided to trade the mugs – but to mix up the pairs so people would get two different mugs by two different people! Looks like Stephanie got one of mine!!!

Categories: artists, friends, garden

So my cousin Kim & I hopped in the car early yesterday morning… and decided to drive down to Bartonville to visit my friends Gerry & Rosene. They’re my very first at fair friends EVER!!! From the very first day, from my very first show oh so many years ago in Sandwich, Illinois!!!

So we had a wonderful drive down to Central Illinois covering many subjects and “solving all the problems of the world”. We made it to Goodfield – and it’s always tough to go past Goodfield without stopping at BUSY CORNER for homemade pie!!!

We decided to get a slice to go… a snack for the road for the next 20 minutes… but I couldn’t decided… so I got two! I went with a classic rhubarb pie, and slice of chocolate turtle marshmallow cheesecake!

When we got Gerry & Rosene’s home, you’ve always go so much beautiful garden colors, flowers & rustic art everywhere to see. So here’s a visual tour… just a small glimpse of their garden!

And then at the end of our evening, we were sitting around on the deck having dinner, and more pie… AND brownies with ice cream & hot fudge!!! And then we saw a spider building an amazing web directly above my chair. Tough to photograph… but I kinda got this nice shot… a bit blurry… but still pretty cool.

And with that… our road-trippin’ day to Peoria had come to an end…
and it as time to head home!!!

Categories: art fair, artists, My Talented Friends

A HUGE Thank You to everyone who made it out to ART IN THE GARDEN this past weekend. During these crazy times, it was wonderful to get outside to see some of my Talented Friends with their beautiful artworks… as well as all of the wonderful friends, family, Fans & Followers that stopped by! We appreciate the love, support & encouragement… and we hope you’re loving the new artworks you took home with you!

But in case you couldn’t make it… here’s a small glimpse of some of the colors, textures & artworks that you missed from My Talented Friends!

AMY TAYLOR : silver hinged jewelry

CORY McCRORY : whimsical paperclay ceramics

DONNA SAUERS : glass bead jewelry


KEN STAGGS : wood turning


LYNDA WALLIS : beaded bracelets

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, porcelain, soda-fired, stamped

Not to be outdone, or out-bling’d…
here’s a little sneak peek at what Retta Hentschel did with the three lidded jars I sent her to play with. Such an amazing assemblage of colors, textures & bling on each of them. Stop by ART IN THE GARDEN to see them all… before they’re gone!

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, porcelain, soda-fired, stamped

Another glimpse into some of the collaborations we’ve been working on for this weekend. Months ago I soda-fired some porcelain lidded jars and then “challenged” some of my fellow ART IN THE GARDEN artists to add a knob to the lid. Here’s what metalsmith Amy Taylor did with the three jars I sent her. A beautiful addition to my pottery.

Collaboration projects like these are part of what makes ART IN THE GARDEN so special.

For more information, click here.

Categories: art fair, artists, food, friends, mugs

Looks like my buddy Allison is serving up a yummy breakfast this morning before her high school classes start remotely this morning! Also enjoying some handmade pottery for her morning ritual… and looking forward to ART IN THE GARDEN this weekend!!!

Categories: art fair, artists, bowls, color, handbuilding, mugs, My Talented Friends

Looks like Cory has one last batch of colorful fun to wash with underglazes, glaze & fire quickly for this weekend at ART IN THE GARDEN. I’ve been enamored with Cory McCrory, her work, her textures & her whimsy ever since we met at the Hinsdale Fine Arts Fair several years ago… and we’ve been fast friends ever since! So much fun to have talented friends!!!

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations

Totally loving these cool beaded bracelets that Lynda Wallis has made with some of my soda-fired beads!!! She’ll be bringing them to Glenview this weekend for ART IN THE GARDEN… fun in the garden with MASKS and a lot of cool collaboration projects you won’t find at any other art fair!!!

Categories: art fair, artists, bowls, collaborations, color, handbuilding

What a difference a little underglaze can make?!!!
A whimsical “paint-job” by my “cohort in collaborations” Cory McCrory on her bowls for this weekend at ART IN THE GARDEN. We’ve been working on this little project for awhile now… and now we’re both in our final kiln firings!!! Getting ready to put our collaboration pieces together in Glenview for every one to see!

For more info –

Categories: art fair, artists, bowls, collaborations, handbuilding

With ART IN THE GARDEN this weekend… we’ve all been scrambling to get our work ready, especially our collaboration projects!!! Part of what makes this show so special. And it looks like Cory has been working on building and putting some finishing touches on her part of our collaboration project – racing to get everything into a kiln!!! Can’t wait to see everything when it all comes together this Saturday & Sunday in Glenview!

For more info…