Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: artists, stamped

So I got this really nice message a couple days ago from one of my Instagram Followers. She has been doing a little “stamping” of her own… dabbling with the textured stamp addiction! It was so nice to hear from Lori and to see a few of her stamped pieces. Looks like she’s off to a great start. Keep up the good work Lori… remember, MORE IS MORE!!!

“You have been an inspiration for my own artwork and I have a few pieces of stamped work on them but need to post them up. I had a blast following your blog post for about 4 years while I had studied ceramics at Sul Ross State University. I even did a contemporary ceramic artist presentation about your stamped pot designs, the process of soda fire, and the Christmas ornaments you make.” – @loriyugen

Categories: art fair, artists, pottery

Well, it’s Day Three of the NORTHERN ILLINOIS POTTERY TOUR… the final day… and there’s still plenty of time to curb your pottery addiction! Twenty-one ceramic artists with a wide range of styles, techniques & aesthetics. You can find them all through the Pottery Tour website…

And if you want to add some of my stamped & textured pottery to your collection, you can always go directly to my new ETSY SHOP…

Categories: art fair, artists

So today is the final day of the NORTHERN ILLINOIS POTTERY TOUR. We’ve had a great weekend with 21 potters, studio demos & lots of pottery for everyone! Don’t forget that you can still check-out all of the potters on the Pottery Tour website… and my brand new ETSY SHOP is always open with perfect gift ideas for yourself & all of the other pottery lovers in your life! Giddy-up!!!…

Categories: art fair, artists, pottery

It’s Day Two of the NORTHERN ILLINOIS POTTERY TOUR… plenty of time to check-out all of the potters & today’s free demos on ZOOM. And don’t forget that my brand new ETSY SHOP is now open with lots of stamped pottery for everyone. Pottery make perfect gifts for friends, family & especially yourself!!! –

Categories: art fair, artists, mugs

The NORTHERN ILLINOIS POTTERY TOUR is now officially underway… and these two mugs were the first to fly out of my new ETSY SHOP!!! Thank You!!!

Be sure to check-out all of the Pottery Tour details, links to all twenty-one Potters & register for free studio demos today & tomorrow on the website… mine is tonight at 8:00pm!!!

Categories: art fair, artists, mugs

The NORTHERN ILLINOIS POTTERY TOUR starts in one hour at 8:00am CST… which also means that my brand new ETSY SHOP launches in just one hour too!!!

Here’s the link to over a hundred pots listed in my new online store… including these nine mugs and a whole lot more!!!

Categories: art fair, artists

The NORTHERN ILLINOIS POTTERY TOUR starts tomorrow morning at 8:00am CST. This inaugural year the Tour will be “virtually” online… but starting next year we’ll be out there in-person for a full-on Pottery Tour! Until then, check-out the website for full details, free demo schedules, and links to all TWENTY-ONE POTTERS!!!

And don’t forget… my new ETSY SHOP goes live tomorrow at 8:00am as part of The Tour. Here’s the link to bookmark & follow ahead of time…

Categories: artists, classes, pottery, process, special events, stamped, stamps

Tomorrow is the big kick-off of the NORTHERN ILLINOIS POTTERY TOUR! Check-out the website for information, artist links & to register for FREE POTTERY DEMOS!!!

We have twenty-one potters on The Tour, many of which will be doing free demos. I will be in my studio tomorrow night doing a demo on how I uses handmade stamps to add texture to my pottery. If you would like to join me in my studio, you just need to register online to get the ZOOM link for all of the demos… plus, you’ll also be registered in a drawing for some free pottery by our Tour Hosts!!!

FRIDAY, JUNE 18th, 2021 @ 8:00pm CSTMore info at

Categories: art fair, artists, My Talented Friends, pottery

With the big launch of the NORTHERN ILLINOIS POTTERY TOUR just two days away… I thought it might be nice to share the spotlight with a few of “My Talented Friends.” The tour will feature twenty-one talented potters each with a different approach & aesthetic. The tour is “virtual” this year with each artist selling their work online. In addition, there will be live demos & presentations on ZOOM… as well as some great giveaways! For more information…

And just in case you’ve missed it somehow, I will be launching my new ETSY SHOP this Friday morning at 8:00am… . There’s nothing posted there yet, but you can probably tag, follow or bookmark so you’re ready for the big kick-off Friday morning!!!

Categories: art fair, artists, pottery

Were in the final countdown… THE NORTHERN ILLINOIS POTTERY TOUR kicks-off this coming Friday at 8:00am! Just five days until the inaugural event with twenty-one artists working together to share a lot of pottery, demos & discussions! Check the website for more details & demo schedules…