Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: glaze, process

So excited to get some good glaze results back! I’ve been working on making a few more Cone 6 glazes for my studio. I’m still working on “refining” the recipes a bit… but I wanted to see what they might do when fired to a higher temperature. I’ve always thought it would be great to have a collection of glazes hat work well in Cone 6 oxidation, but ALSO work equally well at the higher Cone 10 reduction temperature!

I’m pretty excited by the look of these… most of them are showing some definite promise.

On each of the test tiles, they have a single dip of glaze over all… followed by a second dip of glaze only in the upper right corner on an angle. Thus the drippy run on the right side on some of them.

Here’s what my new LIME glaze looks like in Cone 6 oxidation firing… followed by the same glaze in a Cone 10 reduction firing on different clay bodies.

Here’s what my MALACHITE GREEN glaze looks like in Cone 6 oxidation firing… followed by the same glaze in a Cone 10 reduction firing on different clay bodies.

Here’s what my CELADON GREEN glaze looks like in Cone 6 oxidation firing… followed by the same glaze in a Cone 10 reduction firing on different clay bodies.

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