So while I was snowed in at home… making s’mores in my fireplace…
look what was going on just a few blocks away over on Lake Shore Drive!!!
For those who don’t know, Lake Shore Drive parallels the lake shore through
the Chicago area. It’s a major thoroughfare for everyone traveling north or south.
Well, apparently the city was hoping that people would make it home before the
“big” storm hit. And they didn’t close Lake Shore Drive quite fast enough. With the
storm & winds blowing in from the lake and drifting right across Lake Shore Drive,
all it took was a couple accidents and the entire expressway became a parking lot –
and major headline news across the country! Hundreds of cars were stuck in the snow,
people trapped in their cars & buses for several houts before being evacuated by the police.
Well, here are a few shots of what was going on… the day AFTER the big storm.
Including some cars left open during evacuation forced to brave the elements?!
And to think I was riding my bike along the lake just two days ago?!