Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: nature

While strolling through Frankfurt’s museum row, you can’t help but notice these crazy cool trees that flank the path. Turns out they are pollarded Plane Trees. Never heard of that… but I think it means overly-pruned to create the “club-like” tips. And the Plane Tree is apparently a relative of an American Sycamore or Sweetgum Tree. Would love to see these when they’re covered with leaves creating a canopy over the path!In fact, while I was there they were actually “pollarding” the trees (is that even a word?)… seemingly cutting off all of the new growth that had sprouted from each of the clumps at the end of the branches.

Cool camouflage bark patterns too..
and the way they seem to slump & wrinkle like a shar pei dog!!!




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