Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: summer camp

Another week at Summer Camp! Another batch of kids to teach & play with.
Unfortunately, this week I have a much younger group of kids – so my normal repertoire
of projects & tricks isn’t quite working. I typically teach the older kids who are 8-12 years old.
This week I have six and seven year olds – big difference! I’m needing to find new ways
to relate to them, find different art projects more suited to their abilities… and get used to their
shall we say “enthusiasm”?… “energy”??… okay, why mince words… “squirrely-ness”???
And yet… so “cute” at the same time!

So this week we made a clay project on Monday, then painted & glazed it today
so that it can be fired and returned to the kids on Friday. We focused on making sculptures
of their favorite animals… owls, dogs, cats, turtles, dragons, even giant squids!!!

Even with these younger kids, it always amazes me how focused and determined they get
while making their artwork. Once you get them engaged and show them the demo, they’re
always excited to get started. The challenge is keeping them focused – especially when
they start finishing their projects at different times. While one’s still working,
another is done and raring to go!

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