Okay… so today was the first day of my second week of camp.
Another great group of kids for a week of Wheelthrowing Camp.
A little bit older then the group last week, More experience throwing too!
Off to a good start… until…
So I’m doing my first throwing demo with all of the kids gathered around.
We’ve already done introductions, week plans, goals, expectations, etc.
So I’m sitting at a wheel throwing, talking & demo-ing. When I started to hear some commotion going on behind me. Not sure what it was, but I knew it was a couple of the older kids. When I turned to look over my right shoulder, I could see one of the older girls slowly leaning forward, dropping slowly, fainting all the way down to the ground. What?!!!
So I hopped up to check on her and she was already coming to and trying to get up. More embarrassed than injured. She had no color in her face so we had her sit down and drink some water. She said she was feeling better and the color started to come back to her face.
I went back to my demo… with one eye on her at the same time.
She said it was not her first time fainting. And her friends knew that she had done it before at school. Yet nothing about it on her camp medical list??? I asked if she wanted us to call her Mom, she said no. But when she started losing color again… and started vomiting into the garbage can… we knew we had to call home. Mom came and picked her up from camp.
We all hope that she’s feeling better…
and that she makes it back to camp for the rest of the week!
Not the best start for Week Two of Summer Camp. Tomorrow will be better…
TUESDAY UPDATE : She’s back at camp… as good as NEW!!!
I am the clinic aide at an Elementary school and you would not believe how many times we in the office and clinic find out the last week of school that kids have something really big like a heart problem or diabetes or seizure disorder. Their parent never put it on the registration forms at the beginning of the year and never called to let us know. It’s just so scary. Thank god for 911. I’m glad your student is ok.