The new Spring Session will start in a week and a half at Lillstreet Art Center.
I will once again be teaching a Beginning & Advanced Beginning Wheelthrowing Class.
It’s basically for anyone who wants to play in the mud… whether you’ve never touched
clay, or want to refine some of your basic skills. The 10-week class will take you through
all steps in the production process. Every Tuesday night from 7:00pm-10:00pm.
The Spring class session will begin on Tuesday, March 27th.
Registration has already begin… and my class is more than half full already!
Don’t wait too long. My class is usually full with a waiting list… so don’t miss out!
Stop by or call Lillstreet Art Center to register for your class.
Or you can click here to register online…
Lillstreet Beginning & Advanced Beginning Wheelthrowing Classes