Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: art fair, artists, nature

After the sunrise, it was back to Pigeon Road Pottery for another day of ART DETOUR.
So we re-built our displays after packing everything down for the night. The “fear” of
stay animals wreaking havoc in our tents overnight, plus the chance of wind & rain,
made us all very cautious. So we all had a lot of re-assembling to do. And just in time,
as the customers were coming in full force.

While we were meeting customers and enjoying ART DETOUR, I was also taken by the
natural surroundings. Fall was definitely in the air. The colors. The textures.

And then, just to make Wendi’s flowers even prettier, this little butterfly decided to hang out
with us for quite awhile. Flitting around, sucking nectar and basking in the sun.

And by the end of the day, Amy, Wendi, Sarah and I were all quite pleased with how the
ART DETOUR was going. Not only were we having a lot of fun, and eating a lot of s’mores…
the customers were actually showing up, buying art and having fun with us! There were
a LOT of s’mores being made. And we were all on a bit of a sugar-high by the end of the day.

The merry group of artists hanging out at Pigeon Road Pottery after another long day.
Sarah, Wendi, myself and Amy (left to right) were pleased with the day, and happy that it
was almost over. Only one more day to go…

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