Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: classes, food

Can’t say that I’m all that into Super Mario Bros. …
but I am really into OREO’S!!!

So… more sweet treats to share with my wheelthrowing class tonight!

Categories: collaborations, platters, porcelain, process, production, rusty, sgraffito

A quick layer of black underglaze makes stark contrast with the white porcelain clay. Just making a few more pieces for Amy Taylor to play with… she’s doing some fun sgraffito sketches on the black areas specifically for ART IN THE GARDEN. It’s my next art fair in Glenview where many of the artists work together on special one-of-a-kind collaborations! This is just one… I have a few more collaborations “under wraps” to share soon… but first, time to go teach my Beginner’s class!!!

For more information, click here –

Categories: collaborations, My Talented Friends, platters, porcelain, production

Porcelain platters & shallow bowls…
all with wide flanges & rims which will make for perfect canvases for Amy Taylor to play with!

Categories: clay, collaborations, platters, porcelain, process, production

Pretty little porcelain balls… going to try to crank out some quick porcelain pieces!!! After summer camp, but before teaching again tonight. Hopefully, setting up some good “canvases” for a little ART IN THE GARDEN collaboration project with one of “My Talented Friends”!

Categories: food, lillstreet, summer camp

While spending many of our Summer Camp lunches up on the Lillstreet Rooftop… it’s been fun watching the beekeeper take care of the rooftop bee hives. He’s been great & very informative with the kids. And some of the freshest homegrown honey is available at the Lillstreet Front Desk! YUMMY!!!

Categories: bike, sunrise

Early morning beauty along the lakefront yet again…
it never ceases to amaze me how beautiful these morning rides can be!!!

Categories: mugs

Another Monday… another batch of MUGS!!!

Categories: friends, television

And there we have it… the “finale” to the BIG CORN-GRATULATIONS PARTY for Martin! Big winner of The Great American Baking Show! So much fun honoring his win, celebrating Martin and meeting his new best buddies & fellow contestants Sarah & Nirali… and seeing just how cute the three of them are together! I can’t wait to see how their “15 minutes of fame” continues… as they are all celebrities to me!!! Thanks for playing!

Categories: classes, friends, wheelthrowing

After the party, as we all got back to pottery class & projects, I invited Nirali & Sarah to stay and try their hand at the wheel. Sure, they can bake up a storm, but can they throw a pot?!!!

Turns out they can… even with a silly party hat on!!!

Categories: classes, friends, lillstreet, television

All in all… a wonderful finish to our Spring session of pottery classes! With a huge celebration of Martin’s BIG WIN on The Great American Baking Show. I had a great group of students who not only make great pottery, but were also more than willing to play along with my silly “reality TV” games! Congratulations again to Martin… our very favorite Top Baker!!!

And a quick peek at the “behind-the-scenes” of the photo shoot…
with Christine art directing the shoot!!!