Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: process, summer camp

Summer Camp is the best… especially when you have a great group of kids for the week! And quick enough they’ve all realized that I’m not kidding with Gary’s Summer Camp Rule #3… “Whatever mess you make, you WILL be cleaning up!” And they’ve been doing a great job with keeping the room clean at the end of the day… and smiling… and laughing… and helping each other… even though we’ve already had two spilled water buckets this week!

Everyone grab a sponge!!!

Categories: handbuilding, mugs, summer camp, terra cotta

This week my Summer Campers have been throwing on the wheels… learning from scratch in three days!!! But today we switched to handbuilding. So we pulled out some terra cotta, some fun texture tools and they set-off to making their mugs. A lot of little hands doing a lot of scoring & slipping. Only a couple hours and they all created some great handmade mugs!!!

And yes… they pulled their own slabs!!!
No rolling pins. No slab roller. Just the good old fashioned way… and they crushed it.

Categories: bowls, food, lillstreet, special events

Just a quick reminder… tomorrow night at Lillstreet Art Center is EMPTY BOWLS… our first one since the pandemic!!! A wonderful event to help a great “food pantry” cause. Basically, the potters at Lillstreet have been donating a bunch of handmade bowls… literally hundreds!!!… and they will all be available tomorrow night for a small donation to “Common Pantry.” A small donation and you get a great bowl… and to sweeten the deal?… the bowls will be filled with artisanal ice cream from JENI’S SPLENDID ICE CREAMS!!!

So here’s a quick peek at just a few of the bowls I’ve donated to the party… stamped, spiraled, glazed… even including everyone’s favorite “bubble glazed” bowl!!! Swing by for some bowls & ice cream!!!

Categories: flowers

My globe thistle plant is currently in full bloom… loving how the tiny purple petals create a perfect sphere that attract bees & butterflies!

Categories: kiln firing, soda-fired

So with soda-firing, you frequently have some “loss” of pots that get some schmutz from the ceiling, flaked kiln wash in some pots, and other “issues” from the volatile atmospheric firing process. But I’ve never seen THIS!!!… the underside of a kiln washed shelf was LITERALLY peeling off from the shelf??? And landing right on the edge of that blue piece. Luckily… that was the only “issue” I found as I was unloading… so I’ll still count this as a WIN!!!

Categories: kiln firing, pottery, process, production, soda-fired, stamped

Okay, so I’ve been a little busy with unloading my soda kiln, scraping shelves, kiln washing the shelves, teaching & Summer Camping!!! So here are a few “delayed” shots from Monday night’s unloading. I’m pretty pleased with all of the bright pops of color throughout! So glad that soda-firing does not have to be all gray & brown all the time!

Categories: flowers, soda-fired, stamped, vases

So this is what happens when you accidentally break off a lantana blossom while watering on the back porch… and then you just happen to have the perfect mini vase for it too!!!

Categories: family, flowers

Looks like my Cousin Kim has some serious issues
with her backyard squirrel population… especially now!!!

Squirrels – 1 / Pottery – 0

Categories: flowers, mugs, pottery

Celebrating a little MUGSHOT MONDAY with this cute little “curated” shelf of mugs, cups & the perfect mini vase for one single zinnia bloom. Thanks for sharing Kristy!

Categories: kiln firing, pottery, process, production, soda-fired, stamped

Another “sneaky-peek” as start to unbrick the soda kiln. It was tough to wait… but I had Summer Campers all day who had to learn how to throw on the wheel (in three hours?) More fun with them tomorrow… but now they’re gone so I’m hoping to unload before I teach again tonight!!! Fingers crossed… so far so good!!!