Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: art fair, flowers

Looks like my Christmas Cactus… err, Thanksgiving Cactus is right on schedule! Perfect to kick-off MY HOLIDAY HOME SHOW “open” house this weekend. Remember, we have limited access today & tomorrow from 10:00am-6:00pm… only six people shopping at one time for safe social-distancing & masks required.

Click on HERE for more details about MY HOLIDAY HOME SHOW.

Categories: art fair, pottery

Here’s a quick glimpse of what’s in store for those who make it over to MY HOLIDAY HOME SHOW this weekend. All set-up and decorated for the holidays! And this is just the living room… there’s MORE in the other rooms too!!! Remember, we’re “open” for limited access shopping from 10:00am-6:00pm tomorrow & Sunday.

Click here for more information, details & safety precautions!

Categories: art fair, holiday, pottery

Thank you for understanding that crazy times call for crazy measures.
So we’re doing Pottery With Precautions this holiday season!!!

Click HERE for full details and to book an appointment.
There’s a LOT of information & changes, so please read carefully. Thank you.

Categories: inspiration

During these trying times… every little bit helps!

Categories: ornaments, soda-fired

Looking for more ornaments for your Christmas tree?
I have lots of different shapes & styles for MY HOLIDAY HOME SHOW! All handmade & soda-fired… with wire hoops ready to hang on your tree, wreath, gift boxes or pretty much anywhere you might want!

Because a handmade holiday is always better!

Categories: ornaments, soda-fired, stamped

Plenty of wheelthrown ornaments all ready for MY HOLIDAY HOME SHOW. We’re open with scheduled appointments during the week, and a somewhat “open” house this weekend with limited capacity access. Click here for more details!

After MY HOLIDAY HOME SHOW, I will be posting some ornaments in “My Online Pottery Store” on my blog for those of you who can’t come to kick-off your holiday shopping at my place!

Categories: nature, seasons, weather

Another gusty windy day in Chicago! A lot of leaves dropping from trees, flying around, swirling everywhere and eventually piling up in the darndest places!

Categories: flowers

Morning sun on my white African violet. A year ago at My Holiday Home Show, I was gifted this beautiful plant by Rick & Nancy in one of my own flower pots. It was a cutting propagated from the original plant that was Rick’s mother’s violet. Such a thoughtful gift in… and it has never stopped blooming! So beautiful… and surprising to have a flowering plant all the time!

Categories: bike, sunrise

Gusty winds seemingly from all directions this morning?!
It was CRAZY!!!

But crazy fun… I even laughed out loud a couple times.
Feeling like you’re going to be blown over…
or stopped in your tracks with a strong headwind!
So funny… but this sunrise made it all worthwhile!!!

Categories: platters, sgraffito

Another sgraffito platter fresh from the kiln! A beautiful cobalt blue glaze with carved sgraffito patterns through black underglaze. Another addition to MY HOLIDAY HOME SHOW!

But there’s only one.. first come, first served!!!