Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: process, production, studio

Did a bit more throwing last night… working on a few lidded jars that are part of a commission project. The final plan is still a bit hazy, but this part I’m sure of. I need to do a few doodles to figure out the finishing & customizing part! Just a teaser… birds are involved.

Categories: bike, sunrise

Well, it snowed yesterday in Chicago… so glad it’s all gone! Still a bit chilly, but another beautiful morning along the lakefront. A great way to start off a sunny Saturday in the City!

Categories: inspiration

A sad sign of these crazy times!
No swinging around these days!!! Play it safe. No playground for you!

Categories: flowers, nature

More Spring buds working their magic in the park…
actual leaves can’t be far behind!

Categories: architecture

While exploring north along the lakefront, it’s been a bit of a challenge finding new routes away from people… but fun finding new locations to stop & play. Like this historic lighthouse up in Evanston. It was a bit chilly this afternoon for a bike ride… but better get it in before it snows tonight, right?!

Categories: flowers, nature

Another chilly day here in Chicago… with more SNOW predicted for tomorrow!!! Sadly, I’m not quite sure how these little cuties will survive if we get some snow accumulation as predicted?! But they’re pretty enough today, right?!

Categories: friends, soda-fired, stamped, tiles

While everyone is still sheltered-in-place, it’s good to see my friends are keeping up with their Disney Trivia… all the while “fireplace surround-ed” by some handmade, stamped, textured & soda-fired tiles! A little Throwback Thursday to a project I installed a few years ago out in the suburbs!

Categories: bowls, process, production, stamped, stamps

So I finally finished stamping a new batch of bowls. I’ve been trying to stay productive and get into the studio as often as possible… but with all of the craziness going on these days, it’s tough. Luckily, my studio is very safe & isolated these days. Lillstreet has been closed to the public for weeks now, and I am seemingly the ONLY person there working at night… safely “trapped” in my own little work space… well-isolated from anyone else! And as a potter, I feel like I’m washing my hands ALL the time!!!

So they’ve been stamped… and now they’re all under wraps waiting to be trimmed… and then fired… and then glazed… and fired again! I remembered to take photos of the stamps that did the magic… well, for some of them any ways?!

Bowl A

Bowl B

Bowl C –

Bowl D –

Bowl E –

Bowl F –

Bowl G –

Bowl H –

Bowl I –

Bowl J –

Bowl K –

Categories: bowls, process, production, stamped, textures

Stamping more bowls… just adding some textures & patterns around the rims to celebrate another TEXTURE TUESDAY!

Categories: mugs, soda-fired, stamped

Mugshot Monday… Mugshot Moments.
Just a few detail shots to celebrate the day & celebrate the mug!
You know they’re my favorite thing to make!!!