Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: flowers, nature

As I headed home yesterday, I was pedaling through Northwestern University and found this large patch of hyacinths in full bloom. The colors, the shades of purples & pinks… perfect for Northwestern PURPLE!!! And with this many hyacinths all blooming at the same time, the smell was intoxicating… even making it through my mask!!!

Categories: nature, photography

A wide vista of Lake Michigan from the Fort Sheridan Forest Preserve overlook. A wonderful view shared with… no one!!! Again, pedaling solo! Love the colors… the blue of the sky, the turquoise hue of the water and the mucky brown water where it’s all being churned up by the waves!

Categories: bike, nature, photography, travel

It was another beautiful blue sky Sunday yesterday…
so why not go for another beautiful bike ride?!safely by myself!!!

Again, I headed north as the Chicago Lakefront is still shut-down!
So pedaled north LITERALLY until the bike path ended!
Which is apparently across from the Great Lake Naval Station!

Kinda makes you think of the Shel Silverstein classic book, huh?!

So when I started out on my bike, it looked beautiful, the sun, the blue skies… but… it was a cold & windy ride… I easy could have used another layer… or five!!!

But look at those colors!!!

A little further north at the Fort Sheridan Forest Preserve area… with a scenic vista overlooking the lake! Still waiting for the prairie grasses & trees to get green again!

Then I went down to the beach area, passing a vintage army machine gun… proving that Fort Sheridan was an actual FORT back in the days!!!

I’ve ALWAYS said that the best part of biking… is STOPPING!
Cuz’ if you don’t, you miss out on seeing beautiful locations like this deserted beach area!

Back up from the beach… an now in the Fort Sheridan neighborhood that used to be a military encampment.

Headed further north… past Lake Forest… past Lake Bluff…

And up into North Chicago which is apparently where the Bike Path ENDS!!! Right across from the Great Lakes Naval Station! I took the path ending as a sign it was time to turn back and head home… especially as my toes & fingers were FREEZING!!!

Okay, maybe one last scenic stop… I mean, I was already there, right?!

Categories: friends, garden, soda-fired, tiles

Looks like my friend & master gardener Rosene has accepted my coleus challenge. Every year she propagates hundreds of coleus starts and shares them with everyone. But now that she’s quarantines with all these coleus plants, I though she could use a new challenge… of growing a COLEUS TOPIARY!!! And it looks like she’s well on her way! With a beautiful tiled ClayQuilt in the back ground… which kinda looks familiar!!!

And here’s the picture of the challenge inspiration I saw on Instagram… looks like she’s got a ways to go!!!

Categories: inspiration, YouTube

We’re not done yet… keep cleaning & wiping down everything…
and don’t even think about going to that place where everybody knows your name!!!

Categories: process, production, stamped, stamps

And while I was already in the studio stamping… I decided I might as well just continue & stamp the lidded jars that were already under plastic in my studio. So I did… I mean, I was already there!

Categories: mugs, process, production, stamped, stamps

Just a quick “tour” while I was stamping my latest batch of mugs… showing the plain mug after throwing, after being stamped, as well as the handmade clay stamp that did the hard work! I was just there pressing…

Mug #1 –

Mug #2 –

Mug #3 –

Mug #4 –

Mug #5 –

Mug #6 –

Mug #7 –

Mug #8 –

Mug #9 –

Mug #10 –

Mug #11 –

So for now they’re all stamped and under wraps for the night. I will most likely trim them tomorrow night, and then try to get handles on the on Monday… what a great way to celebrate another Mugshot Monday than by making more mugs!!!

Categories: bowls, food, soda-fired, stamped

Looks like Judy has been doing a bit of cooking while quarantined at home. Trying to stay healthy with some colorful carrots & peppers… in a sweet little stamped bowl by little ol’ me!

Categories: food

So word on the street is that there are two NEW OREO FLAVORS!!! A little exotic with an Asian flair… Sakura Matcha and Peach Oolong!!! Okay, sure… so what if you can only get them in Hong Kong right now. Anyone have any “connections” that could hook me up???

Categories: studio, tools

Sometimes making a mess is the best part.