Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: bowls, food, friends, mugs

Even though it wasn’t Wheaties… it still looks like it was a Breakfast Of Champions down in Peoria for my friends Gerry & Rosene! Enjoying their morning routine before heading out to work in their amazing garden! Trying to keep a little bit of “normal” in their everyday lives!

Categories: clay, process, studio

So my reclaimed clay has been sitting out on my plaster bat for about a week in my studio. Tonight I finally decided it was time to tackle the large pile, cut it up, layer it, slice it, layer it more, pound it into cubes and then bag it up. The “real” wedging will happen when I get around to actually using the clay to make something!

Categories: mugs, soda-fired, stamped

Good to see that Ruth is hunkered down working from home… I’m guessing that her dining room table is now her office like so many others… and using one of my mugs to help get her through the day! Happy Hump Day Ruth!!!

Hey wait… I think if you look REALLY closely… I believe Ruth might be “working hard” while looking at MY Facebook Page!!! It’s all about priorities… and Ruth’s are definitely in the right place! Thanks Ruth!!!

Categories: murals, textures

What started as a beautiful TEXTURE TUESDAY…
quickly transformed into a wonderful surprise under the L tracks
during this afternoon’s bike ride!

Categories: bike, sunrise

It was a warm & humid start this morning… with a large foggy marine layer hanging out over the lake. For the longest time, I was wondering if we were ever going to see the sunrise this morning?! Turns out we did!!!

Categories: mugs, pottery, soda-fired, stamped

This week’s Mug Sale starts in just two hours on my Instagram page. But here’s a quick sneak peek in the same sequence they will be posted for sale… just in case you want to make a plan, choose in advance, get ready to pounce and prepare to snag the mug you want!!! I will start posting them at 12noon CST and will shoot for one every five minutes. So plan accordingly… when a mug is claimed, it’s gone… and no trading later when more come up!!!

When I post them on Instagram tomorrow, I’ll be sharing photos of each side of the mug so you can see the random variations created by soda-firing, as well as a photo of the mug in my hand for a size comparison.

Each mug will go for $55 which includes packing & shipping within the the contiguous US. So get ready… check out the selection & sequence right here. For the fun of MUG-SHOP MONDAY starts in two hours!!!

MUG #1 –

MUG #2 –

MUG #3 –

MUG #4 –

MUG #5 –

MUG #6 –

MUG #7 –

MUG #8 –

MUG #9 –

MUG #10 –

MUG #11 –

MUG #12 –

MUG #13 –

MUG #14 –

MUG #15 –

MUG #16 –

Categories: mugs, pottery, soda-fired, stamped

Okay, so we’re just two hours away from the kick-off of this week’s MUG-SHOP MONDAY! Remember that I’m switching it up this week… and the sale will only be on my Instagram Feed. I’ll start at 12noon CST by posting photos of each mug and the first person who claims it gets it. Easy-peezy… except, do you pounce on the first one you like?… do you wait to see what the next mug will be?… but then you might miss out… or do you just buy them ALL???

Categories: food, friends

Imagine my surprise & quiet giggle when I found a box waiting for me outside my door tonight when I got home from the studio. After feeling so “isolated” lately, it was WONDERFUL to find a care package waiting at home for me! And what better surprise than a hunk of homemade chocolate fudge & some “turtles”… better known as Frogs down in Central Illinois.

What a great gift from my college friends Keith & Julie… from a cute little candy shop that Keith has recently opened in Eureka, Illinois to bring a sense of nostalgia, a sweet diversion & a great place for some special needs employees to work their magic! Unfortunately, shortly after they had their Grand Opening they also had to shut-down for the COVID-19 pandemic.

Be sure to check out MAURIES CANDIES if you’re ever driving through Central Illinois… whenever we can actually get outside to go anywhere?!!!

You can follow them on Facebook by clicking here
or click on this link for some more background on Mauries, my friend Keith McArdle, and the service they’re providing to the community!

Categories: mugs, soda-fired, stamped

Just a quick reminder… tomorrow is going to be another MUG-SHOP MONDAY! Check out my Instagram Feed at 12noon CST as I start to post mugs… first person to claim one, gets one! Just search for “firewhenreadypottery” on Instagram and hit FOLLOW… then you’ll get to see all sixteen mugs as I post them!

Categories: art fair, porcelain, process, production, stamped

Working on a new batch of porcelain ovals… trying to stay motivated with the thought that “someday” we might get to play at art fairs again?! I just can’t wait to get outside to play with people again!!! This “solo” stuff is getting old real fast!!!