Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: classes, patterns, porcelain, sgraffito, tools

So much fun to see one of my Tuesday Night pottery students “test driving” her new V-tip DiamondCore Tools for the very first time… first time with this tool AND first time carving all together!!! Looks like Jen is off to an AMAZING start… a little carving prodigy in the making!!!

Categories: pottery, production, television, vases

With all of the crazy stories about a certain EMPIRE star these days
I thought it might be fun to do a Flashback Friday to 2016
when some of my pottery made its big debut on EMPIRE
only to be smashed!!!

Click here to see more about the story & production!

Then click here to see how it went down on the show!!!
And by “went down” I literally mean smashing DOWN on the floor!!!


Categories: sunrise

Another chilly morning with a brisk breeze blowing in…
and yet, another BEAUTIFUL sunrise!!!

Categories: studio

The extension cord & mega-power strip that disappeared some time yesterday from my studio lighting fiasco “mysteriously” returned today. I may not be an electrician, but I’m pretty darn sure it’s not going to do much good sitting on a clay box like this?! Another great remedy!

Categories: sunrise

Sure, it was cold this morning…
but it felt great to get outside to see this beautiful start to the day!
Luckily, the roads were pretty dry & slush-free too!!!

Categories: mugs, process, production, studio

Celebrating another MUGSHOT MONDAY with another batch of mugs. This time with some dramatic light & shadows… “thanks” again to my ongoing studio lighting dilemma!

Categories: studio

Another lighting update… but I think we’re going in the wrong direction? When I got into the studio tonight, my new light was still hanging on its jaunty angle… but the huge power strip was gone… just gone… and the power cord from the new light is just dangling right above my wheel. No note. No explanation. Just a dangling cord.


I mean really… how hard is it to just hard-wire the light fixture
into the ceiling power box just inches away?

Categories: mugs, soda-fired, stamped

Another mug. Another Monday!

Categories: nature, weather

And just when I thought the snow was beautiful in Chicago, I get this photo from two of my pottery students currently in Joshua Tree, California. Thank you Jon & Patti for making our Chicago snow “not-so-pretty” real fast.

Your snow is STUNNING!!!
You win!

Categories: textures, weather

A beautiful layer of light fluffy snow this morning!

Loving the contrasts of color, texture & positive-negative spaces!