Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: mugs, soda-fired, stamped

A quick glimpse of the other side… glassy, ashy, drippy fun!

Categories: mugs, soda-fired, stamped

Detail shot of Mug G : A preview for this Saturday’s 1/30 online mug sale!

Categories: photography, sunrise

Just in case you doubted that one big cloud moving in this morning…
here it is again.

Categories: bike, sunrise

A few slim layers of clouds this morning for a beautiful sunrise.

Followed by one large cloud that seemed to move in for the rest of the day!
Hey, at least it was pretty as it was moving in…

And just I love that one perfect, brief moment when the sun barely peeks out over the horizon. Too bad it lasts but a second.

And scene.

Categories: mugs, soda-fired, stamped

Detail shot of Mug F : A preview for this Saturday’s 1/30 online mug sale!
Remember, these photos are just to whet your whistle. The actual sale will “go live” on my Facebook pottery page this coming Saturday 1/30 at noon CST. Watch for the “official” Facebook Photo Album. Be the first to Comment on the Photo Album photo to “claim” your mug!!!

Click here to go to my pottery page : Fire When Ready Pottery on Facebook.

Categories: bowls, creativity, inspiration, patterns

Thanks to my potter-friend Emily Murphy for sharing…
I can’t quite figure it out… and nor could she. But I love it just the same!
It looks so simple, but I’m sure it’s not. I’m sure the “secret” is in the original “silkscreened” image being altered just a bit. But how does the squishy balloon-thingy not smudge or smear the images?… or stretch them out of shape?!

If only stamping textures onto a bowl were this easy too???

Click here for the amazingly simple, yet incredibly technical video.

Categories: mugs, soda-fired, stamped

This one has two great sides… totally different colors & effects.
Here’s a close-up of the other side!!!

Categories: mugs, soda-fired, stamped

Detail shot of Mug E : A preview for this Saturday’s 1/30 online mug sale!

Categories: pottery

Not for the faint of heart… or those who hate the twirling teacups at Great America.
But this video is pretty amazing thanks to the folks at Colossal online.
Simple enough… camera attached to the wheel… so it’s wheelthrowing a bottle from
the clay’s point-of-view! Hang on tight while we go for a spin!!!

As seen on Colossal
Watching a ceramist work at a potter’s wheel is a mesmerizing and nearly meditative process as the wet clay slowly morphs into shape, spinning so quickly it loses definition almost completely. Eric Landon from Tortus Copenhagen was curious to see what things might look like from the clay’s perspective and mounted a camera to the edge of a potter’s wheel as he worked on a vase. It’s fascinating to see the world become a blur while the clay and wheel remains in sharp focus.

Click here for the fast-spinning, mesmerizing, wheelthrowing video!!!
And here’s a few “still-life” sneak peeks for those who don’t like to spin…

For more great videos and so much more… click here to visit Colossal online.

Categories: mugs, soda-fired, stamped

Detail shot of Mug D : A preview for NEXT Saturday’s online mug sale!
Remember, these photos are just to whet your whistle. The actual sale will “go live” on my Facebook pottery page this coming Saturday 1/30 at noon CST. Watch for the “official” Facebook Photo Album. Be the first to Comment on the Photo Album photo to “claim” your mug!!!

Click here to go to my pottery page : Fire When Ready Pottery on Facebook.