Last night was the Academy Awards. Always a fun night. No big surprises though.
I think Ellen DeGeneres did a pretty good job. Loved the pizza delivery for the audience!!!
Love Lupita N’Yongo. Love Jennifer Lawrence. Loved “12 Years A Slave.”
Love the Selfie that crashed Twitter!!! Love idea… and it’s a great picture too!!!
But let’s be real… did you think that one of the highlights was when John Travolta completely butchered Idina Menzel’s name when he introduced her?! I laughed out loud… and then backed it up and watched it again!!!
Today I mixed up some more glaze tests. Lots of measuring. Lots of chemicals.
Small batches of recipes I’ve collected for cone 6 oxidation firing. I’m hoping that at least a couple of them turn out nice. I’m looking for good translucent colors that pool well, break well and have no crazing.
Just in case, I’m test firing the same glazes at cone 10 reduction to see if they turn into anything cool. Wouldn’t it be great if I got at least one beautiful glaze in cone 6 that ALSO looked different and equally as great at cone 10? Two successful glaze colors from one bucket. Wishful thinking, huh?!!!
After a very “sweet” breakfast with Taylor and the rest of my family, I decided to go into the studio to take advantage of my “syrup-sugar high.” I was a little unfocused on what to start with… so you know that when that happens I pretty much always make MUGS!!! So I started with a dozen – and went on from there!
After getting some great response & comments about the fluted bowl I made from my class demo, I decided I might want to capitalize on that and make more!!!
I love how the shaped bowls line up and make a great pattern as a group. The negative space between the bowls are almost as much fun as the bowls themselves?!!!