Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: classes

We had a “sweet time” in class tonight. My beginners are well on their way with cylinders, trimming & handles… and I knew that some chocolate straight from the chocolate factory downtown would make the night even sweeter!!! Gotta teach ’em the basics… including the fact that I’m addicted to chocolate!

Sure, I brought both milk chocolate AND dark chocolate. While I’ll gladly eat either one, the dark chocolate is always my favorite. So I had to have several pieces of the dark chocolate… purely for medicinal purposes!

Categories: bowls, production, stamps, studio

Tonight I tried to stamp a few of the bowls I threw last night. They were still a bit too wet for my liking. A little too sticky. But with a little patience & perseverance, I did get a couple of them stamped & decorated before class started.

Categories: bowls, production

Tonight it was back to bowls. This time they’ll become of the berry variety.
So tomorrow night I stamp & decorate before class. Then later it’s trimming & drainage holes.
And then when there’s room on the table, I’ll need to make the drip plates to go with ’em!

Categories: artists, nature, photography

As seen on
Exploded Flowers
is a series of photos by artist Fong Qi Wei that shows a variety of flowers dissected into individual components. Reminiscent of exploding fireworks, it’s fascinating to see the radial footprints each flower makes relative to the size of its actual bloom. The series placed second in the 2012 International Photography Awards. You can see more from the series on Wei’s website.

Categories: glaze

I spent much of tonight using a triple beam balance. It’s been so long.
And all I could think of was my high school science classes.
Chemistry class with Mr. Sparacino and my friends.
Measuring. Testing. Laughing. Good thing I retained some of that.
Or else tonight’s mini-measurements would have been a lot tougher!!!


Categories: friends, mugs

From my friend Kelly on Facebook…
My favorite Baby Feeder mug….and Ryann’s too!

And she should know… Ryann is baby number ten!!!

Categories: kiln firing, production, studio

I unloaded my bisque kiln tonight.
I even surprised myself with how much stuff just kept coming out, and coming out, more, and more. All I could think about was how long it’s going to take me to glaze all of this?!!!

Categories: creativity

Three of my favorite things come together in this YouTube video I found online. Very funny… and just a little bit creepy. Kinda makes me think that this is what might happen if Eddie Izzard ever became a potter?!

Click here to see the video “Rolling Clay With Keith.”

Categories: bike, seasons, sunrise

A couple more welcoming signs of Spring…
buds coming out on the trees and the winter snow-fence coming down along the lakefront. Surely that means that warmer weather can’t be far behind, right?!

Categories: garden, seasons

I keep hoping that Spring may actually be here…
Still covered with last year’s leaves, I did a little uncovering this morning  and found a little sign of Spring popping up in my backyard flower pot garden! One step closer…