Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: bike, sunrise

There was a beautiful orange “spike” across the horizon line this morning.
The shape, the color and the gradation were quite striking. Unfortunately, as with every
sunrise, it was fleeting as the sun continued to rise and the clouds dissipated so pastel
colors could be splashed across the sky.

Eventually the sun did peek out… as the clouds kind of opened up for the show!

Categories: process, production, studio

“Art In The Barn” was very successful. Which is always a good thing.
But sometimes in my head that also equates to “Oh my God, I need to make MORE!!!”
So tonight I was back in the studio getting back into production mode. I’ve got
another full soda kiln scheduled about three weeks form now. And I need to make
enough work to fill it… including replenishments after this weekend!!!

And yes, for those of you counting… that’s forty-four cylinders that will need to be
trimmed, stamped, pierced & slipped to become replenishment votive candle holders.

Categories: bike, sunrise

After just standing around on my feet for a couple days at the art fair, it felt great
to get back out on my bike this morning. Even though it was unseasonably cold.
Cold enough that I not only went for long sleeve jersey & long sleeved windbreaker…
but I also had gloves, skull cap AND long pants for the first time this season!!!

But all of the layers were worth it… another beautiful Fall morning.
And yes, it is now officially Fall… and I need to admit to myself that Summer is over!
Although I will hold onto Summer as long as possible… kicking & screaming…

Categories: art fair, clay, pottery

It’s Barrington Day Two… it’s already sunnier, already warmer, already less windy…
and my shelves are all replenished and ready for another fun day in the Lower Barn!
C’mon out to play – we’re here from 10:00am-5:00pm again today!

Categories: art fair, artists

In the booth across, and a little kitty-corner, from my booth was Robin Kittleson.
She’s a glass artist from Geneva, Illinois… who coincidentally also teaches at
Lillstreet Art Center. Robin makes these incredible fused glass platters, bowls and more!
I was especially taken by this square platter as the sun hit it at just the right time…
illuminating it so I could see it shining all the way from my booth!
Stunning colors, layers & patterns. Beautiful work.

For more about Robin Kittleson’s work, click on her website –

Categories: art fair, clay, pottery

Well, after a leisurely set-up yesterday, my booth was all ready to go this morning for Day One
of “Art In The Barn.” You gotta love a good Friday set-up. It takes all of the rush & pressure
out of doing all on Saturday before the show opens. The shelves were full in my double-booth
ready for the early onslaught of customers. Unfortunately, the morning skies were dark &
blustery threatening rain… and threatening all of the tents out in the yards. Luckily, I’m
protected inside the Main Barn, so I wasn’t too concerned about the weather. But I do think
it made the show have a slow start – as it seemed like many waited for the weather to clear
before coming out to shop at the art fair. But eventually… they still came out to shop!

Yep… that’s my red ribbon to celebrate being one of last year’s Top Ten Sellers!!!
And never too soon to kick-off a little holiday cheer with some Christmas ornaments.
Right along with my whimsical take on the traditional Jack O’Lanterns.

Plus, the squared off bowls with the split rim that I showed on the blog awhile back
made their debut at the Barrington show. I was very pleased with the bowls… and even
more pleased that this set of aqua blue bowls went home with a family who really seemed
to appreciate them, noticed all of the subtle details and guaranteed me that they would
give them a good home! Always good to know your work went to good people!!!

Categories: art fair, friends

Mark your calendars for a wonderful Fall weekend getaway to the Northwoods!
I will be traveling up north with my pottery to participate in ART DETOUR.
Five artists. Five friends. All off the map… with gourmet s’mores to share!!!

Actually, there’s a full-blown Northwoods studio tour going on in the area. Many artists
will be opening their studios & galleries for this special art weekend. We are not “officially”
part of The Tour… that’s why we’re the DETOUR!!!

My potter friend Amy Higgason lives in Lake Tomohawk and she’s hosting ART DETOUR
for the second time. Stop by to see her studio, as well as the rest of us in our art fair tents.
Keep your fingers crossed for good weather. If it’s cold, don’t worry…
we’ll have the campfire stoked & burning all weekend long!

More info to come… or check out ART DETOUR on Facebook!

Categories: art fair

Don’t forget that this weekend is “ART IN THE BARN”.
It’s held on the grounds of Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital in Barrington, Illinois
just west of Routes 59 & 22. The artists are in the original barns & sheds of the original
Quaker Oats Farm. I will be in the same booth as always in the Lower Barn #E4 & E6
Another double-booth year… which means double the space, double the pots
double the fun!!! Plus, we’re inside protected from the elements. So even if it does rain
this weekend, we’re still warm & dry. Come on out to play!!!

Categories: blogs

Okay, so I’m still finding FACEBOOK quite frustrating.
They’re still “limiting” the number of people that posts by small businesses
are sent out to. I know I have hundreds of followers, and yet for the posts
I sent out last night less than 50 people received them?! So if you aren’t
getting posts from your favorite businesses that you follow on Facebook,
go to their page to see what you’re missing. Word on the street says that if
you “like” or “comment” posts on business page more frequently, you’ll get
more of them on a regular basis. They want us to actually pay real money
to “promote” our posts and get them to ALL our followers!

So when you get a chance, tell Facebook to change their ways!!!

So don’t forget you can still follow me on Facebook…
but you might not get all of the posts even if you want them. But give it a try!
Click here for Fire When Ready Pottery on Facebook.

Categories: bike, inspiration, nature, sunrise