Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: movie, special events

Tonight I went to see “Snow White And The Huntsman.”
From the trailer, it looked pretty cool. Lots of great effects and stunning visuals.
Well, it did live up to the trailer. Charlize Theron was pretty incredible as the
Evil Queen. Snow White on the other hand…

Okay, so the role of Snow White is played by Kristen Stewart from the “Twilight”
trilogy that I luckily avoided. Anyway, I didn’t quite “buy her” as Snow White.
Reportedly the “fairest in the land” – with lips as red blood and skin as white as snow…
you know the drill. Let’s just leave it at… I wasn’t a fan.

One of the Previews before the movie REALLY has me excited!
So by now I’m sure you’ve realized that I’m a big “Les Miserables” fan.
I’ve seen it FAR too many times. Every show. Every version. Every soundtrack.
Even the French concept album… and I don’t even speak French!

Anyway, the trailer was for the upcoming full-feature, musical movie version of
“Les Miserables” After more than 25 years, my favorite Broadway show of all time is coming
to the movie theaters. I had heard the rumors of a movie… and was kind of scared that they
might mess it up. Well, from the looks of the movie trailer… they did a great job!!!

Click here to see the movie trailer for “Les Miserables”… coming out this Christmas 2012.

Categories: classes, lillstreet

This past Tuesday was the last night for my Spring Wheelthrowing Class at Lillstreet.
As usual, we celebrated with a potluck in class… complete with ice cream sundaes
and my very own homemade, hot fudge sauce! Thanks to Grandma’s recipe!!!
Hard to believe that 10 weeks of class have already come & gone. But always so fun
to see how far my students have progressed from that first night of frustration.

So now we’re on to the next session…
Beginning & Advanced Beginning Wheelthrowing

4-Week June Session : Tuesday Nights from 7:00pm-10:00pm
Generally for those who just want to continue working on their projects. Plus the perfect
chance for newbies to get a quick taste of wheelthrowing fun. Four weeks is a little too
quick to cover “everything” – but we’ll try our best!

8-Week Summer Session : Tuesday Nights from 7:00pm-10:00pm
Starting the first Tuesday after the 4th of July, the new session starts and goes
through the months of July & August. We’ll cover all of the basics from wedging,
centering, throwing, trimming & glazing. The full process squeezed into 8 weeks.
Plus, we always try to tailor the syllabus for those returning students who want to
focus on a certain form or technique.

Registration for both sessions is already open.
Stop by Lillstreet Art Center, give ’em a call or register online by clicking here.
Be sure to sign up soon before the class gets filled up!