Congratulations to my friend, potter & former Lillstreet student Pam Johnson-Howe
who just had two of her handmade mugs make it onto the “special shelves”
for extraordinary student work as it comes out of the kiln!
Pam used to be a tile maker and never threw on the wheel. After years of tile classes,
Pam finally decided to try a wheelthrowing class at Lillstreet and ended up in my class.
And we’ve been friends every since. It was so much fun to watch her love for clay blossom
every time she touched the clay. And now she’s addicted just like the rest of us. She’s even
moved on to her first Intermediate Class and is going ever deeper into the addiction!
It was especially evident when my friend & potter Amy Higgason stopped by last Fall
to give my beginning wheel students a very special demonstration on her incredible
surface decoration techniques. All of my students, as well as students in other classes,
were enthralled by Amy’s techniques & anecdotes. Pam was completely entranced by Amy
and has since been using a lot of Amy’s techniques on her own work. And it is definitely
paying off… as seen by these two sweet mugs!!!