Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: holiday, pottery

‘Tis the eve of my Holiday Home Show… and my new ornaments are finally done!
Just in time. I did a little wire-wrapped hoop at the top to hang them from. And then
hung some of them in a doorway to help display them. I’ve also assembled two free-standing
“picture frame” displays to hang ornaments in – the epoxy is still drying! Plus, I’m still trying
to convince myself that I can’t keep them all for myself. Would that be so bad?…

Categories: masks, pottery

With all of the shelves quickly filling up, I needed to move to the walls for more space
for my Holiday Home Show. What with a hundred mugs and all…

So the new collection of ceramic masks is now hanging on my living room wall.
They’re all high-fire, soda-fired stoneware – so they’re good for indoors or outdoors!
They all make me smile… especially the ones with horns. But there are a couple with
ears instead of horns… as suggested by Sheila!

Categories: art fair, holiday

Or should I say “one more day and quickly running out of time”?
My big Holiday Home Show starts in less than 15 hours… and I still have
a long list of projects to do before then!

Categories: bike, sunrise

Beautiful as the morning sky changed from light blue to pink to shades of vibrant orange!
And then back to blue. These Fall sunrises have been incredible!

Categories: pottery, stamps

With pottery showing up in every room of my condo, there are still a few small “spaces”
here & there for other things between all the mugs! So there’s a lot of other great things…
not just mugs! Like some oval vases perfect for flowers, office supplies, junk mail
or a little bit of anything! All stamped and ready-to-go to a good home… or a great present!

Categories: art fair, holiday

Still setting up and the shelves are filling up quickly. I’m pretty excited that I’m starting the
Holiday Home Show with over a hundred mugs!!! That’s a LOT of mugs. I love making mugs.
If I could only make one form for the rest of my pottery career – it would be mugs!

Plus, they make perfect gifts! And they’re food-safe, dishwasher-safe and microwave-safe.
Sadly, everything except gravity-safe!

Categories: bike, sunrise

With an early start, the sky was starting to glow with morning color.
But then the clouds started covering the sky from the north taking over any hope
of a beautiful sunrise. Just a little color before the gray took over. And with clouds
from the north also came winds from the north. Brrr….

Categories: art fair, holiday, production, textures, tiles

Today I did some grocery shopping for party snacks. And then have been making
“ClayQuilts” all day – hoping to finish them and have ’em all dry by the weekend.
Tiles, tiles, tiles. Hundreds of tiles!!!

Categories: art fair, holiday

The Home Show shelves are filing up quickly. And with the right afternoon light
streaming in through the window shades, you can get the perfect highlighting on
every stamped impression! Loved it…

Categories: bike, sunrise

After yesterday’s frigid morning ride with nearly frozen fingertips,
today I decided to double-up my layers! Including two pairs of gloves!
Double your layers. Double your fun.

But after the early morning glow, the actual sunrise was kind of anti-climactic.
The sky was clear. Without much color or contrast. So I was just cruising back home
unaware. Until I turned to look over my shoulder to see some crazy cool colors
happening on the horizon! I assumed it was going to be uneventful… and then….

Good thing I looked back over my shoulder, huh?!