Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: classes

Tonight in class we had a trimming demo for my Beginning students…
as well as a repeat of centering, cylinders, shaping cylinders & pulling handles.
We’re in a very quick 4-week interim class, so things are moving quickly.

So Pam, one of my returning students who made tiles for years and recently switched
to wheel throwing and is now quite addicted to her surprise & everyone else as well,

shared her passion for trimming. She said she thought she would hate it
but now has come to find that she LOVES trimming… as do I.
And here’s Pam’s quote of the night… and I LOVE it…

“Some days you throw just so you can trim.”

1 Comment

June 17th, 2010

I love trimming also. It’s similar to working on a lathe but so much more fun.

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