Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: nature

For those of you wondering… my seedlings are still growing.
Some better than others.  They’re still indoors…
but have “vacationed” outside on a couple warm days!

Categories: classes, pottery, process

Last night’s topic for my Beginning Wheelthrowing class was “basic bowls.”
Truthfully, teaching my beginners how to make a bowl on purpose
instead of a cylinder gone bad and “oops, look I have a bowl” bowl.

So we started with basic bowl instructions & demonstrations. Then we took a quick break
from the demo as I sat down and quickly threw eight basic bowls. Then we regrouped &
discussed how to alter these basic bowls and turn them into something not “quite so basic.”
Before they knew it, the “strikingly similar” eight 2-pound bowls were suddenly all different
with the help of a little fluting, flaring, slip painting and a quick creativity.

I hope that they get the point that they should commit to their artwork and make it
their own. Anyone can make a smooth, round, plain bowl. That the clay is not as fragile
as they think… that they can push it a little further. And that a little effort, design
& creativity can make a huge difference in their bowls!

Categories: pottery, production

You know they’re my favorite… my “go to”…
my “don’t-know-what-to-make-so-I’ll-make-more-mugs”… never too many mugs!!!

Categories: Mom & Dad, pottery, production

So at Easter with the family, my best art fair “employees”…
aka my Mom & Dad… suggested that I make more of the grooved tumblers
that they got as Christmas gifts! Apparently, they really like the grooved lines
and how they fit perfectly in your fingers while drinking from them.

Of course I listened… as any good son should…
and I made more grooved tumblers… by popular demand.

Categories: bike

After last night’s storms of rain & hail, this morning was a little dark, damp & dreary.
But I set out for the morning ride nonetheless… thanks to my attachable & detachable
rear wheel fender!
No sunrise this morning… just gray skies.
At least until I got a few blocks from home and the rain started again! Nice, huh?

Categories: inspiration, tiles

Natural inspiration?
Here’s a little know botanical fact and a good “word for the day”… espalier.
That’s the term for when trees are pruned & “trained” to grow along walls
in groovy geometric shapes like these at the Botanic Garden entrance.
Which kind of reminded me of my tile installation on my back porch?!!!

It’s a simple installation of glazed tiles on what used to be a plain, boarded up & painted black
piece of plywood from days gone by, when we assume there used to be a window there?!
Each tile has a hole at the top corner and then hung on a nail. It’s really fun when you run
your hands along the tiles and they all swing a bit.

Categories: bike, seasons

So I’ve “added” another ride to my schedule. My friend Chris and I have decided to ride
the Chicago River North Branch Trail every Monday & Wednesday after work…
as weather & time allow. Today was our third trip this season… another 32 mile ride!

It’s a nice ride that weaves through the forest preserve, around lagoons, across prairies,
and other nature areas taking you from the hectic city street corner of Devon & Milwaukee
where we park our cars… up to the Chicago Botanic Garden where we rest, stretch, chat,
refill water bottles then turn around and start pedaling back. A beautiful ride even this
early in the season where everything is brown & bare… with hints of green. We’re looking
forward to watching the seasons change as we continue to pedal.

BONUS: Along the way, as we’re cruising through the Forest Preserves, Chris and I
are always “deer hunting” and keeping a running tally of all the deer we see along the way.
It’s always a treat to see deer right there along the bike trail. And it always amazes us
how many people just go by without even noticing these precious wonders of nature!

Categories: My Talented Friends

As the seasons come throughout the year, my friend Alison is often in the kitchen
baking up seasonal specialties, and decorating other festive décor for your home.
Once again, Alison created beautiful cookies for my family’s Easter celebration.
okay, enough laughing about MY non-religious family even celebrating Easter!!!

From decorating cookies in festive shapes & colors…
Alison was recently accepted into culinary school which she’ll start this Summer.
I’ve already offered to be her guinea pig! If you would like to get on Alison’s mailing list,
or order your own festive holiday goodies, feel free to contact her at:

Categories: process, production, tiles

Not quite “inspired” today, and I thought I needed more “kiln filler”… so I made tiles.
This batch is drying and will go into my bisque kiln this Thursday night.
After the bisque firing, they will be soda-fired where the different textures
and slip colors will be accentuated by the soda kiln atmosphere. Once fired, the tiles
will be assembled into my “Clay Quilts” just in time for the upcoming art fair season!

Categories: art fair

As I continue to wait for more art fair notifications, I’m keeping busy
in the studio anticipating good news and more shows to add to my calendar.
So far there are only two that I’ve heard back from… both with good news!
Here’s the start of my Summer Art Fair Schedule – hopefully with more to come!

Schaumburg Prairie Fine Arts Festival
Saturday, May 29th, 2010 – 10:00am-6:00pm
Sunday, May 30th, 2010 – 10:00am-5:00pm
Robert O. Atcher Municipal Center
201 Schaumburg Court in Schaumburg, Illinois

Hinsdale Fine Arts Festival
Saturday, June 12th, 2010 – 10:00am-6:00pm
Sunday, June 13th, 2010 – 10:00am-5:00pm
Burlington Park on Chicago Avenue between Washington & Garfield Streets
in Hinsdale, Illinois

These are traditionally my first two shows to kick-off the summer.
One on Memorial Day weekend, and the next on Father’s Day weekend.
If things continue chronologically, I should hear back from Evanston next!